Can You Prevent Telehealth Fraud?

Telemedicine has continued to thrive in a post-pandemic world, but with the expansion of services comes the expansion of fraud.

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The Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) has warned healthcare entities to use ‘heightened scrutiny’ when entering telemedicine arrangements that have suspect characteristics of a fraud scheme.

The OIG has stated that a common characteristic of fraudulent schemes is the use of kickbacks to recruit and award healthcare practitioners.

The OIG …

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Biden to crack down on ‘junk’ health insurance

President Joe Biden is also slated to give a speech Friday touting his health care agenda, during which a White House official said he plans to “announce major actions to lower health care costs and crack down on junk fees.”

The White House declined to comment, and the Democrats with knowledge of the matter cautioned that the timing of the rollout could still change.

But the White House’s budget office signed off on the proposed rule last week, according to a regulatory review notice posted to its website, a signal that the regulations had cleared the final internal hurdles. The

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NY: Most Long Islanders with public health insurance renew coverage

Nearly three quarters of Long Islanders met a June deadline to renew public health insurance policies such as Medicaid, avoiding a potential lapse in coverage as officials look to unwind a pandemic-era continuous enrollment policy.

Seventy percent of Medicaid and Essential Plan enrollees on Long Island and 75% of Child Health Plus police holders renewed their coverage by June 30, according to data released Tuesday by the New York State Department of Health. Statewide, 72% of residents in the three plans renewed their coverage on time. Officials expect the rate to go up.

Medicaid and the Essential Plan provide health

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Pre Obamacare, Did Health Insurance Companies Refuse to Insure a Lot of People

On his Substack, Arnold Kling, resident book reviewer at Econlib, wrote:

If people pay for their own health insurance, the market is subject to selection games. The individuals with the most incentive to buy health insurance are those that will cost the insurance company the most in claims. (Although it turns out that there is a selection effect that goes in the other direction. People who are high in conscientiousness are more likely both to obtain health insurance and to take better care of themselves.) Insurance companies, by the same token, have an incentive to try to avoid writing policies

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Aretha Franklin’s Wills Dispute – Rickard & Associates

If you have been following the news, you may have seen that there is a dispute regarding Aretha Franklin’s estate plan. Her sons are in court fighting over her estate and multiple wills.

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Aretha Franklin died in 2018, and because she did not have a trust, she wills went through probate court where they are being disputed by her sons.

A Will from 2014 and two Wills from 2010 were

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Opinions | After Trump sabotaged Obamacare, Biden limits junk insurance again

Slowly but surely, President Biden is repairing the US health-care system, reversing the Trump-era sabotage and ensuring millions more Americans get access to affordable coverage.

The latest of these efforts came on Friday, in a little-noticed but significant decision to protect Americans from junk health insurance.

In 2017, Congress repeatedly tried and failed to repeat the Affordable Care Act. To casual observers, it might have looked like the end of the Republican fight to kill this life-saving, inequality-fighting, newly popular law. It wasn’t. Over the next few years, President Donald Trump found new ways to

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Terminating Your Physician Employment Agreement

Many of our physician clients are unaware of their termination rights prior to meeting with us.

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If you want to terminate your employment, the first thing you need to do is read your contract.

Most physician employment agreements have substantial termination provisions. You need to know what yours says regarding termination with and without cause, what notice is required, and what other provisions will be triggered by termination.


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Biden wants to roll back Trump’s expansion of short-term health insurance plans

The Biden administration wants to crack down on short-term health insurance plans, which it says can leave patients saddled with hefty medical bills.

The proposed rule, announced Friday as part of a series of actions aimed at lowering health care costs, would limit the duration of these controversial plans to three months with the option of a one-month extension. It would also require that plans provide consumers with clear explanations of their benefits, which are typically less comprehensive than other policies.

The proposal would largely reverse former President Donald Trump’s expansion of short-term plans in 2018, which extended the duration

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