Best Health Insurance for Small Business Owners of 2023

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Best for Customer Service Best Networks Available Best Preventative Care Best Prices
UnitedHealthcare Blue Cross Blue Shield Elevance Aetna Kaiser Permanente
Company Highlight

The largest insurance provider in America

Partnered with more than 1.7 million doctors and hospitals

Telehealth options allow patients to meet with there doctor online

Preventative care available with no out-of-pocket expenses

The largest managed care network in America

Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit (Bronze Plan

$7,00 individual/$14,000 family

$8,700 individual/$17,400 family

$6,450 individual/$12,900 family


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Can You Protect Your Child’s Inheritance From Their Spouse?

Many of our clients want to plan for their children’s future, when drafting their estate plans. However, some of our clients are concerned about their child’s spouse accessing the inheritance.

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While each client has different concerns and requires tailored estate planning, one question we often hear relates to protecting the inheritance of the spouse of their child.

So can inheritance be protected from a spouse of your child?

Yes, there

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Can You Prevent Telehealth Fraud?

Telemedicine has continued to thrive in a post-pandemic world, but with the expansion of services comes the expansion of fraud.

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The Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) has warned healthcare entities to use ‘heightened scrutiny’ when entering telemedicine arrangements that have suspect characteristics of a fraud scheme.

The OIG has stated that a common characteristic of fraudulent schemes is the use of kickbacks to recruit and award healthcare practitioners.

The OIG …

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NY: Most Long Islanders with public health insurance renew coverage

Nearly three quarters of Long Islanders met a June deadline to renew public health insurance policies such as Medicaid, avoiding a potential lapse in coverage as officials look to unwind a pandemic-era continuous enrollment policy.

Seventy percent of Medicaid and Essential Plan enrollees on Long Island and 75% of Child Health Plus police holders renewed their coverage by June 30, according to data released Tuesday by the New York State Department of Health. Statewide, 72% of residents in the three plans renewed their coverage on time. Officials expect the rate to go up.

Medicaid and the Essential Plan provide health

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Pre Obamacare, Did Health Insurance Companies Refuse to Insure a Lot of People

On his Substack, Arnold Kling, resident book reviewer at Econlib, wrote:

If people pay for their own health insurance, the market is subject to selection games. The individuals with the most incentive to buy health insurance are those that will cost the insurance company the most in claims. (Although it turns out that there is a selection effect that goes in the other direction. People who are high in conscientiousness are more likely both to obtain health insurance and to take better care of themselves.) Insurance companies, by the same token, have an incentive to try to avoid writing policies

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What is an Irrevocable Trust?

A trust is an estate planning tool that allows a person to control their assets during their lifetime and make provisions for incapacity and death. Many trusts are revocable, however, irrevocable trusts can be an incredibly useful way to plan for your future.

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One thing you should know about irrevocable trusts is that, unlike revocable or living trusts, irrevocable trusts cannot be changed or amended. They are set in

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Which Could Save Me More Cash?

SmartAsset: Dental savings plans vs.  insurance: Pros and Cons

SmartAsset: Dental savings plans vs. insurance: Pros and Cons

Health insurance doesn’t cover your teeth. Your teeth can cause pain, get infected and need treatment, just like any other part of the body. But when it comes to actually getting treatment the standard health insurance doesn’t cover it. Instead, you need specialized coverage to pay for a trip to the dentist’s office.

The specialized coverage comes in two main forms. The first is dental insurance. This is standard insurance that covers most of the cost of treatment in exchange for a monthly premium and co-payments. The second is a dental

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Mercy Health announces potential split from major insurance company Anthem | News

PADUCAH — Finger pointing, confusion and conflicting answers were seen Wednesday between a large local medical provider and a health insurance company many of you use. Mercy Health, which operates Paducah’s Lourdes Hospital and several other west Kentucky medical facilities, announced the potential of a split with health insurance provider Anthem, now known as Elevance Health.

Mercy says currently, only patients with Anthem’s Managed Medicaid plan in Ohio could be impacted by negotiations. That contract ends at the end of the month. Mercy says all other patients with Anthem are not impacted right now, but may be soon. Mercy didn’t

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