Common Estate Planning Misunderstandings – Rickard & Associates

Many of our clients have preconceived notions about estate planning. We often hear many of the same questions and assumptions, over and over.

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We often hear the same misconceptions regarding estate planning.

Here are a few of the common misconceptions surrounding estate planning:

  1. Misconception: A Will helps to avoid probate court. This is false. A will almost certainly guarantees that your estate will wind up in probate court. You then
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10 Top private health insurance companies in Australia

10 Top private health insurance companies in Australia | Insurance Business Australia

The top private health insurance companies in Australia consist of the industry’s biggest names. Find out if they offer the cover that suits you

10 Top private health insurance companies in Australia

The country’s private health insurance industry is dominated by the sector’s biggest names, with the 10 largest insurers controlling more than 90% of the overall market. A firm’s size, however, is just one of the many factors experts consider when determining the top private health insurance companies in Australia. 

 If you’re searching for an insurer

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OVMA Pet Health Insurance Review 2023 – Forbes Advisor Canada

To find the best pet insurance, we reviewed each company’s policy wording and used data provided by to score each pet insurance company based on the following:

Pet insurance rates: 40% of score. We calculated average rates for plans with $5,000 or unlimited coverage, a $100 deductible and an 80% reimbursement level, or the closest options available.

Special waiting period: 10% of the score. Many pet insurance companies have a special waiting period for problems such as cruciate ligament issues and hip dysplasia. Plans that had no waiting period, a waiting period of six months or less, or the

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Can You Prevent Telehealth Fraud?

Telemedicine has continued to thrive in a post-pandemic world, but with the expansion of services comes the expansion of fraud.

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The Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) has warned healthcare entities to use ‘heightened scrutiny’ when entering telemedicine arrangements that have suspect characteristics of a fraud scheme.

The OIG has stated that a common characteristic of fraudulent schemes is the use of kickbacks to recruit and award healthcare practitioners.

The OIG …

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Just Talk to Me – PHE America

(Article 5 of 5)

People with physical disabilities hold limited positions as scholars, teachers, or leaders in physical education, recreation, and sports. Perhaps the reason is that the field is flooded with able-bodied people who think they know best. But do they? Michael Oliver, imminent writer, and scholar argued that people with physical disabilities should be the only ones in the field of disability studies because they have a bodily experience with disabilities. The following five-part article series shares the perspective of a scholar in the field of sports disability who has his own physical limitations. In each article, he

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Aretha Franklin’s Wills Dispute – Rickard & Associates

If you have been following the news, you may have seen that there is a dispute regarding Aretha Franklin’s estate plan. Her sons are in court fighting over her estate and multiple wills.

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Aretha Franklin died in 2018, and because she did not have a trust, she wills went through probate court where they are being disputed by her sons.

A Will from 2014 and two Wills from 2010 were

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Opinions | After Trump sabotaged Obamacare, Biden limits junk insurance again

Slowly but surely, President Biden is repairing the US health-care system, reversing the Trump-era sabotage and ensuring millions more Americans get access to affordable coverage.

The latest of these efforts came on Friday, in a little-noticed but significant decision to protect Americans from junk health insurance.

In 2017, Congress repeatedly tried and failed to repeat the Affordable Care Act. To casual observers, it might have looked like the end of the Republican fight to kill this life-saving, inequality-fighting, newly popular law. It wasn’t. Over the next few years, President Donald Trump found new ways to

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