Terminating Your Physician Employment Agreement

Many of our physician clients are unaware of their termination rights prior to meeting with us.

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If you want to terminate your employment, the first thing you need to do is read your contract.

Most physician employment agreements have substantial termination provisions. You need to know what yours says regarding termination with and without cause, what notice is required, and what other provisions will be triggered by termination.


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Which Could Save Me More Cash?

SmartAsset: Dental savings plans vs.  insurance: Pros and Cons

SmartAsset: Dental savings plans vs. insurance: Pros and Cons

Health insurance doesn’t cover your teeth. Your teeth can cause pain, get infected and need treatment, just like any other part of the body. But when it comes to actually getting treatment the standard health insurance doesn’t cover it. Instead, you need specialized coverage to pay for a trip to the dentist’s office.

The specialized coverage comes in two main forms. The first is dental insurance. This is standard insurance that covers most of the cost of treatment in exchange for a monthly premium and co-payments. The second is a dental

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New Baby? Time to Update Your Estate Plan

We often have clients ask us when the best time to do their estate plan is and the answer is usually, right now! This is especially true for people turning 18 years old, people who don’t have a plan, and people who have had recent life changes.

We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog ).

One event that should trigger you to meet with an estate planning attorney is a new baby. When you are expanding your family,

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Interior Health praises Vernon for work on supportive housing, complex care – Vernon News

IH heaps praise on Vernon

Interior Health is praising Vernon for its leadership on supportive housing.

A letter from IH CEO Susan Brown to mayor Victor Cumming expresses “heartfelt gratitude to you and the council for your unwavering advocacy and dedication to fostering community partnerships.”

The letter is included in the agenda package for Monday’s council meeting.

In it, Brown says Vernon’s efforts “have been instrumental in developing safe and supportive housing for community members in Vernon and its surrounding areas.”

Brown notes the mission at Interior Health “is

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Health insurance coverage and postpartum health

Health insurance coverage and postpartum health | Image Credit: © grooveriderz – © grooveriderz – stock.adobe.com.

According to a recent study published in JAMA Network Openmore comprehensive health insurance increases the prevalence of postpartum visit attendance.

A significant increase in maternal morbidity and mortality has been observed in the United States. In 2020, the highest maternal mortality rate among industrialized countries was reported, at 23.8 per 100,000 live births.

Over 80% of pregnancy-related deaths have been estimated as preventable, and over 65% in the United States have been reported within 1 year after giving birth. Factors such as racism,

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A closer look at Mecklenburg County’s community resource centers

The centers will provide health care, food assistance, legal services, workforce development, and more services to impoverished areas.

CHARLOTTE, NC — Mecklenburg County is building more community resource centers to seek solutions regarding the lack of health care in its underserved, impoverished areas.

Areas deemed “corridors of opportunity” in Charlotte, like Beatties Ford Road and Sugar Creek Road, struggling with food deserts, violence, and lack of resources.

“Your zip code does matter as it relates to your ability to maintain your health in Mecklenburg County,” CEO of Care Ring Tchernavia Montgomery said.

Care Ring is a nonprofit that provides health

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The best times to get pet insurance for dogs

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One of the best times to get pet insurance for your dog is when they’re still a puppy.

Getty Images

If you’re a pet owner, you already know how much thought goes into owning yours paint or dogs. You’re often thinking about what’s best for them, whether that be the type of food they eat, the veterinarian who takes care of them or the groomer who gives them their haircuts. This thought process also extends to the pet insurance world.

While pet insurance can be a cost-effective and valuable protection to secure, it pays to get the timing right.

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Are gains in life expectancy around the corner?

Are gains in life expectancy around the corner? | Insurance Business America

Advances in medicine are likely to fuel a gain in human longevity, the report says

Are gains in life expectancy around the corner?

Life & Health

By Ryan Smith

Gains in human life expectancy have slowed over the last decade, but the next wave of improvements is around the corner, according to a new report from Swiss Re.

Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment are the most likely areas to improve global life expectancy, according to Swiss Re’s latest report, The future of life expectancy:

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