How to get health insurance if you’ve lost Medicaid coverage

The nation’s health insurance system is undergoing tremendous upheaval as an estimated 8.2 million people will need to find new coverage since pandemic protections for Medicaid enrollees came to an end this spring.

That’s leaving many patients confused about how to get new medical insurance.

“It’s an overwhelming task,” said Taffy Morrison, who is working to connect Louisiana residents to new coverage through the nonprofit Southwest Louisiana Area Health Education Center. But Morrison reminds people: “Don’t panic. There is help.”

For many of those kicked off Medicaid, a state-federal health insurance program that covers people with low incomes and disabilities,

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Is Pet Insurance Worth It In 2023? – Forbes Advisors

Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect our editors’ opinions or evaluations.

If your pet gets injured or sick, pet insurance helps cover medical expenses. What was once an obscure insurance product has been gaining steam. There are nearly 4 million cats and dogs insured in the US, according to the “State of the Industry 2022” report published by the North American Pet Health Insurance Association. That’s more than double the total number of cats and dogs that were insured in the US in 2017.

Pet insurance might be more affordable

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OVMA Pet Health Insurance Review 2023 – Forbes Advisor Canada

To find the best pet insurance, we reviewed each company’s policy wording and used data provided by to score each pet insurance company based on the following:

Pet insurance rates: 40% of score. We calculated average rates for plans with $5,000 or unlimited coverage, a $100 deductible and an 80% reimbursement level, or the closest options available.

Special waiting period: 10% of the score. Many pet insurance companies have a special waiting period for problems such as cruciate ligament issues and hip dysplasia. Plans that had no waiting period, a waiting period of six months or less, or the

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Biden’s junk fee crusade turns to short-term health insurance plans

WASHINGTON, July 7 (Reuters) – US President Joe Biden on Friday announced new steps to crack down on short-term health insurance plans and surprise medical bills, stepping up his war against so-called junk fees to lower healthcare costs.

This will include a proposed rule that closes loopholes companies use to offer misleading short-term insurance products, discriminate based on pre-existing conditions, offer little to no coverage and saddle consumers with thousands of dollars worth of medical expenses, Biden said.

“It’s not necessarily about healthcare, it’s about being played for a sucker,” Biden said at a White House event announcing the policies.

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NY: Most Long Islanders with public health insurance renew coverage

Nearly three quarters of Long Islanders met a June deadline to renew public health insurance policies such as Medicaid, avoiding a potential lapse in coverage as officials look to unwind a pandemic-era continuous enrollment policy.

Seventy percent of Medicaid and Essential Plan enrollees on Long Island and 75% of Child Health Plus police holders renewed their coverage by June 30, according to data released Tuesday by the New York State Department of Health. Statewide, 72% of residents in the three plans renewed their coverage on time. Officials expect the rate to go up.

Medicaid and the Essential Plan provide health

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Terminating Your Physician Employment Agreement

Many of our physician clients are unaware of their termination rights prior to meeting with us.

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If you want to terminate your employment, the first thing you need to do is read your contract.

Most physician employment agreements have substantial termination provisions. You need to know what yours says regarding termination with and without cause, what notice is required, and what other provisions will be triggered by termination.


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Biden wants to roll back Trump’s expansion of short-term health insurance plans

The Biden administration wants to crack down on short-term health insurance plans, which it says can leave patients saddled with hefty medical bills.

The proposed rule, announced Friday as part of a series of actions aimed at lowering health care costs, would limit the duration of these controversial plans to three months with the option of a one-month extension. It would also require that plans provide consumers with clear explanations of their benefits, which are typically less comprehensive than other policies.

The proposal would largely reverse former President Donald Trump’s expansion of short-term plans in 2018, which extended the duration

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Estate Planning: 5 Things to Consider

If you are preparing to draft your estate plan with your estate planning attorney, there are a variety of issues that you will need to think about before your documents can be finalized.

We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog ).

Prior to drafting your estate plan, we recommend that you give some thought to the following items:

  1. How do you want your money and assets handled if you die? Do you want any restrictions? If you are
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