Single-payer pharmacare plan would be a ‘disaster’ – CLHIA chair

Single-payer pharmacare plan would be a ‘disaster’ – CLHIA chair | Insurance Business Canada

The insurance industry can be ‘part of the solution’

Single-payer pharmacare plan would be a 'disaster' – CLHIA chair

Life & Health

Gia Snape

An insurance industry association leader has slammed plans to establish a universal single-payer pharmacare system in Canada and called on the government to allow the insurance industry to be “part of the solution” when it comes to plugging healthcare coverage gaps for Canadians.

Denis Ricard, chair of the board of the directors of the Canadian Life and Health

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Common Estate Planning Misunderstandings – Rickard & Associates

Many of our clients have preconceived notions about estate planning. We often hear many of the same questions and assumptions, over and over.

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We often hear the same misconceptions regarding estate planning.

Here are a few of the common misconceptions surrounding estate planning:

  1. Misconception: A Will helps to avoid probate court. This is false. A will almost certainly guarantees that your estate will wind up in probate court. You then
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Patient Loyalty: What Matters Most

If your patients are not happy with their experience, they may be in the market for a new physician. However, many physicians are interested in keeping their patients as their patients.

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Healthcare has historically been behind other industries in providing a patient-focused experience, leaving patients dissatisfied and often in search of a new place to receive care.

If you have patients that don’t return after their visit, cancel appointments, no-shows,

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Can You Protect Your Child’s Inheritance From Their Spouse?

Many of our clients want to plan for their children’s future, when drafting their estate plans. However, some of our clients are concerned about their child’s spouse accessing the inheritance.

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While each client has different concerns and requires tailored estate planning, one question we often hear relates to protecting the inheritance of the spouse of their child.

So can inheritance be protected from a spouse of your child?

Yes, there

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New Baby? Time to Update Your Estate Plan

We often have clients ask us when the best time to do their estate plan is and the answer is usually, right now! This is especially true for people turning 18 years old, people who don’t have a plan, and people who have had recent life changes.

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One event that should trigger you to meet with an estate planning attorney is a new baby. When you are expanding your family,

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The Dangers of the EHR

Electronic Health Records can be an incredibly helpful tool. However, they are not without fault. A recent warning highlights that electronic health records (EHRs) are a top target of cybercriminals. They can also lead to inappropriate billing if they are not set up correctly.

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The Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) issued a warning to healthcare entities regarding EHR vulnerabilities and protections.

Protected health information (PHI) continues to hold its …

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Need a Practical High School Graduation Gift?

We’ve got you covered. If you know a recent high school graduate, you should find out if they have a simple estate plan to allow their parents or guardians to make medical and financial decisions if they are incapacitated.

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With high school graduation season in full swing, it is essential to remember that at age 18, parents no longer have the right to make medical and financial decisions for their

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Are gains in life expectancy around the corner?

Are gains in life expectancy around the corner? | Insurance Business America

Advances in medicine are likely to fuel a gain in human longevity, the report says

Are gains in life expectancy around the corner?

Life & Health

By Ryan Smith

Gains in human life expectancy have slowed over the last decade, but the next wave of improvements is around the corner, according to a new report from Swiss Re.

Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment are the most likely areas to improve global life expectancy, according to Swiss Re’s latest report, The future of life expectancy:

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