Patient Loyalty: What Matters Most

Health Insurance

If your patients are not happy with their experience, they may be in the market for a new physician. However, many physicians are interested in keeping their patients as their patients.

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Healthcare has historically been behind other industries in providing a patient-focused experience, leaving patients dissatisfied and often in search of a new place to receive care.

If you have patients that don’t return after their visit, cancel appointments, no-shows, or patients that call but don’t schedule a visit, it may be time to revisit and rethink your patient engagement.

Understanding your patients return rates and trends is incredibly useful in addressing retention.

How do you make sure your patients aren’t in the market for a new doctor?

A recent survey found that many patients choose their physicians based on appointment availability and appointment times that meet their needs.

To help patients feel as though they are able to get convenient appointments, make sure your staff is trained on scheduling protocols and have technology that makes it easier on patients and practices. This can include online appointment scheduling and scheduling templates. Scheduling templates can help your staff find agreeable appointment times more quickly.

It’s also important not to overbook yourself or other physicians so that patients don’t have to wait too long for appointments. Many patients also appreciate mobile applications to make appointments, see cost estimates, get test results and appointments.

Also, accessibility is key. Patients like to be able to call the office and have their questions answered on the phone without always needing to make an appointment.

Finally, patients need to trust their doctor.

Are you able to spend enough time with their patients? Do they receive test results quickly? Do you take time to answer their questions?

If you have questions or need help with your healthcare contract or your termination clause, contact Rickard & Associates today.

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