Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker

Note: This tracker was first published on May 3 and is updated regularly as new data become available.

The Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker presents the most recent data on monthly Medicaid enrollment, renewals, disenrollments, and other key indicators reported by states during the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision. The unwinding data are pulled from state websites, where available, and from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

To view data for specific states, click on the State Data tab

State Medicaid Disenrollment Data

  • At least 3,849,000 Medicaid enrollees have been disenrolled as of August 3,
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Zacks Industry Outlook Highlights UnitedHealth Group, The Cigna Group, Humana, Centene Corporation and Molina Healthcare

For Immediate Release

Chicago, IL – June 9, 2023 – Today, Zacks Equity Research discusses UnitedHealth Group Incorporated UNH, The Cigna Group CI, Humana Inc. HUM, Centene Corporation CNC and Molina Healthcare, Inc. MOH.

Industry: HMOs


5 HMO Industry Stocks to Watch as Technology Expenses Take a Toll

The U.S. health insurance industry, referred to as Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), is expected to gain on the back of growing premiums and an expanding customer base, thanks to the well-performing Government business. The industry players have an active merger and acquisition (M&A) strategy in place. Though technology investments are

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Tuition, books, room and board … and health insurance? Colleges’ rising fees strike a nerve – The Virginian-Pilot

You’ve compared schools. Reviewed on-campus housing costs. Even digested student meal plan prices.

But have you thought about how much your son’s or daughter’s dream school will charge for health coverage?

You might be in for a shock.

Hawley Montgomery-Downs was thrilled when daughter Bryn Tronco earned a scholarship that pays half the $63,000 annual tuition at the University of Southern California. But just as the school was starting in August, she was stunned to receive a bill from USC for $3,000 to cover both a student health insurance premium and a fee that allows students to access on-campus clinics

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Can You Protect Your Child’s Inheritance From Their Spouse?

Many of our clients want to plan for their children’s future, when drafting their estate plans. However, some of our clients are concerned about their child’s spouse accessing the inheritance.

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While each client has different concerns and requires tailored estate planning, one question we often hear relates to protecting the inheritance of the spouse of their child.

So can inheritance be protected from a spouse of your child?

Yes, there

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NY: Most Long Islanders with public health insurance renew coverage

Nearly three quarters of Long Islanders met a June deadline to renew public health insurance policies such as Medicaid, avoiding a potential lapse in coverage as officials look to unwind a pandemic-era continuous enrollment policy.

Seventy percent of Medicaid and Essential Plan enrollees on Long Island and 75% of Child Health Plus police holders renewed their coverage by June 30, according to data released Tuesday by the New York State Department of Health. Statewide, 72% of residents in the three plans renewed their coverage on time. Officials expect the rate to go up.

Medicaid and the Essential Plan provide health

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Aretha Franklin’s Wills Dispute – Rickard & Associates

If you have been following the news, you may have seen that there is a dispute regarding Aretha Franklin’s estate plan. Her sons are in court fighting over her estate and multiple wills.

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Aretha Franklin died in 2018, and because she did not have a trust, she wills went through probate court where they are being disputed by her sons.

A Will from 2014 and two Wills from 2010 were

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What is an Irrevocable Trust?

A trust is an estate planning tool that allows a person to control their assets during their lifetime and make provisions for incapacity and death. Many trusts are revocable, however, irrevocable trusts can be an incredibly useful way to plan for your future.

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One thing you should know about irrevocable trusts is that, unlike revocable or living trusts, irrevocable trusts cannot be changed or amended. They are set in

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Which Could Save Me More Cash?

SmartAsset: Dental savings plans vs.  insurance: Pros and Cons

SmartAsset: Dental savings plans vs. insurance: Pros and Cons

Health insurance doesn’t cover your teeth. Your teeth can cause pain, get infected and need treatment, just like any other part of the body. But when it comes to actually getting treatment the standard health insurance doesn’t cover it. Instead, you need specialized coverage to pay for a trip to the dentist’s office.

The specialized coverage comes in two main forms. The first is dental insurance. This is standard insurance that covers most of the cost of treatment in exchange for a monthly premium and co-payments. The second is a dental

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