The high cost of giving birth even with insurance

Qthe burden of high health care costs and medical debt in the US is no secret. Medical debt affects one in five adults in the US, with an average burden of more than $20,000 for each medical debtor. As primary care physicians, we frequently witness the effects of these financial burdens, particularly for our older or sicker patients with expensive medical conditions.

However, new research we published recently in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows that medical debt is also common in a younger and healthier population: women who have just had a baby.

In a sample of

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Estate Planning: 5 Things to Consider

If you are preparing to draft your estate plan with your estate planning attorney, there are a variety of issues that you will need to think about before your documents can be finalized.

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Prior to drafting your estate plan, we recommend that you give some thought to the following items:

  1. How do you want your money and assets handled if you die? Do you want any restrictions? If you are
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Health insurance coverage and postpartum health

Health insurance coverage and postpartum health | Image Credit: © grooveriderz – © grooveriderz –

According to a recent study published in JAMA Network Openmore comprehensive health insurance increases the prevalence of postpartum visit attendance.

A significant increase in maternal morbidity and mortality has been observed in the United States. In 2020, the highest maternal mortality rate among industrialized countries was reported, at 23.8 per 100,000 live births.

Over 80% of pregnancy-related deaths have been estimated as preventable, and over 65% in the United States have been reported within 1 year after giving birth. Factors such as racism,

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Court seeks compromise that might preserve preventive health insurance mandates as appeals play out

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Federal appeals court judges are seeking compromise on whether government requirements that health insurance include coverage for HIV prevention, cancer screenings and some other types of preventive care can be maintained while a legal battle over the mandates plays out.

The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals panel on Wednesday told attorneys on both sides of the issue to report by Friday on the possibility of a temporary compromise in the case.

At issue is a March ruling by a federal judge in Texas who said some of the preventive care requirements under former President Barack

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Can You Prevent a Whistleblower Lawsuit?

When a whistleblower suit is brought against a company or practice, there are usually many warnings that were ignored or not dealt with appropriately. Many times, wrongdoings are brought to light internally first and properly addressing concerns can prevent a lawsuit.

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Often, the employee who becomes the whistleblower tries to raise the issue internally before going outside the company.

There are also fears of retaliation by many whistleblowers. Fear of

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A quick guide to understanding Individual Health Insurance

The importance of having Health Insurance is now more than ever. The rapid changes in our daily lives, our work-life patterns, dietary practices, etc., only reinforce the necessity of staying healthy and having to be financially prepared for any health emergencies.

As the awareness about investing in a Health Insurance plan is growing, many people from different age groups, especially the younger generations, take steps to secure their health and finances with Health Insurance.

Health Insurance plans can be broadly categorized under two sections – Individual Health Insurance and Family Health Insurance. As the name suggests, Individual Health Insurance

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What Does the End of the Public Health Emergency Mean?

The national Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 ends on May 11, 2023.

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The end of the public health emergency brings a variety of changes to the healthcare system.

Most of the remaining federal COVID-19 vaccine requirements will end for federal workers, contractors and foreign air travelers.

The government is also lifting requirements for Head Start educators and healthcare workers.

Free COVID-19 vaccines and tests will no longer be provided

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What to know about DACA health insurance policy changes

For many Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA recipients, also known as Dreamers), access to affordable healthcare has been a significant challenge. These immigrants have often been forced to go without insurance or rely on emergency room visits as their only source of medical care.

That made it great to hear from President Joe Biden last week that DACA recipients will soon be able to access the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid benefits. With this new policy, DACA recipients will be able to gain access to primary care, preventive services, and prescription medications.

This decision will have a significant

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