Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs – Eat Yourself Skinny

The most delicious Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs packed with flavor and easily made in under 30 minutes!  Serve with brown rice, homemade tzatziki sauce, sprinkle on some feta cheese, or pair with a tomato and chickpea salad for a complete meal!

The most delicious Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs packed with flavor and easily made in under 30 minutes!  Serve with brown rice, homemade tzatziki sauce, sprinkle on some feta cheese, or pair with a tomato and chickpea salad for a complete meal!

These Mediterranean chicken meatballs can only be described using one word: FLAVOR!  Insanely delicious made with simple ingredients in under 30 minutes.  These meatballs (which could also be called Greek chicken meatballs) are super easy to throw together too.  Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl, form into meatballs and bake them in the oven!  They make a filling

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Healthy Aging: 3 Lifestyle Habits for Optimal Well-Being

Here’s how to live a happy — and vibrant — life.

With age comes the priceless rewards of hard-earned wisdom, increased emotional resilience, and a better understanding of life’s kaleidoscopic nuances. As Katie likes to say, “Aging is a gift,” and we agree: Getting older is celebration-worthy.

Taking proactive measures to stay healthy as you age — and remain a step or two ahead of unwanted surprises — can help ensure that you don’t miss out on important life events and milestones.

Just think about how many more years we’re living than our ancestors: In 1969, the average life expectancy

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6 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

While the Mediterranean diet tends to get most of the glory in the health landscape—as the best diet of 2023, as a way of life that’s ideal to support heart health and as a terrific option for individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes—it’s not the only lifestyle that can help boost longevity.

There are people from a handful of communities across the globe who live just as long, says Dan Buettner, a Miami-based National Geographic fellow and the author of The Blue Zones American Kitchen. As the founder of the Blue Zones project in 2000, he pulled together medical

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A healthy diet for a healthy life

SDG Atlas banner

SDG 2 calls for ending hunger and achieving nutrition security for all through increased access to healthy diets. Today, 3.1 billion people cannot afford a healthy diet – that is 40 percent of the global population. But what is a healthy diet and how much does it cost?


ost of the least expensive locally-available food group needed to meet intake levels recommended in food-based dietary guidelines


A healthy diet goes beyond just the consumption of sufficient calories. It meets the nutritional standards set by national dietary guidelines, with sufficient diversity and quantity within and between food groups to achieve nutrient adequacy and protection against diet-related diseases.

To measure access and affordability of a healthy diet, the Food Prices

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A systems approach to the promotion of healthy lifestyles

The WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases of WHO/Europe, the Université Côte d’Azur and the Ulysseus European University, in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast and York University, are holding a 3-day summer school course on how to navigate the concept of systems thinking and systems-based approaches from theory to practice.

The course will provide insights on how these approaches can facilitate consensus among different stakeholders while also providing a platform for strengthening multisectoral collaboration across complex systems.

Day 1 of the summer school will be live streamed online. On that day, Hans Henri P. Kluge,

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Rainbow Orzo Salad – Eat Yourself Skinny

This Rainbow Orzo Salad makes the perfect summer side dish! Loaded with colorful veggies, fresh herbs and tender orzo pasta, all tossed together with a delicious lemon herb dressing and easily made in just minutes!

This Rainbow Orzo Salad makes the perfect summer side dish!  Loaded with colorful veggies, fresh herbs and tender orzo pasta, all tossed together with a delicious lemon herb dressing and easily made in just minutes!

If you are looking for a fresh and easy summer side dish, then look no further! This Rainbow Orzo Salad is full of colorful veggies, fresh herbs, and tender orzo pasta all tossed in the most delicious lemon herb dressing! This orzo pasta salad is one of my absolute favorite go-to dishes in the warmer months and is one I love making for a crowd.

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5 things neuroscientists do to keep their brains healthy

Computer animated brain sitting in a chair reading a book.

Your brain is a part of your body. It’s important to keep your body healthy if you want to protect your brain.Westend61 / Getty Images

  • Neuroscientists explain how they keep healthy brains with regular exercise, enough sleep, and more.

  • Keeping your brain healthy is important for delaying neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

  • Neuroscientists’ additional advice includes keeping close friendships and trying new things.

In a viral TikTok video with more than 10 million views, neuroscience PhD student Emily McDonald discusses three things she does every day to protect her brain — stay off her phone in the morning, think positive

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How This Entrepreneur Balances Work and Healthy Living

With the rise of the gig economy, major technological advancements, and more people starting their own businesses or working as freelancers than ever before, it’s safe to say that we’re living in the age of the entrepreneur. But many running scalable businesses need help to balance their professional and personal lives while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What is the best way to strike a balance? Planning and preparing, and this goes beyond the usual end-of-week check-in—from organizing your errands around a workout or class to optimize your schedule to prepping your weekly meals in advance.

For the busy bodies of

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