BC trains more paramedics for emergency health care

Health News

Andrew Mercier, Minister of State for Workforce Development –

“These training programs will give participants the skills and experience they need to join the health-care system. By providing funding for paramedic and emergency health training programs, we’re supporting a skilled workforce that benefits all British Columbians.”

Kathy Harms, director of Health Sciences Division, JIBC –

“This funding has created a significant opportunity for students to answer the call to pursue a career in paramedicine at a critical time for the profession here in BC Paramedic students often indicate a high degree of financial need, and the program itself is very intense, making the balance of work and school is difficult to manage. This funding, which will cover all the students’ educational expenses, will help alleviate the financial need, and allow students to focus more completely on their studies and success in the program.”

Leanne Heppell, executive vice president & chief ambulance officer, BC Emergency Health Services –

“As BC Emergency Health Services continues to seek innovative ways to recruit staff throughout British Columbia, this funding will help increase access to paramedic training to help ensure we have a foundation of trained paramedics to serve communities in our province. With $2 million in funding at JIBC in both urban and rural communities, we can continue to fill existing vacancies, bolstering the pre-hospital emergency service delivery we provide to British Columbians.”

Kate Peer, a harm-reduction volunteer and primary-care paramedic student –

“If we have this much of an impact as first-aid medics, how much could a paramedic team do? Thanks to the funding, I don’t have to work a second job. You’re investing in us, you believe in us. It’s huge.”