Plans for riverfront should include support for the Mental Health Offender Program

Health News
The Duval County jail in downtown Jacksonville.

The Duval County jail in downtown Jacksonville.

There has been a great deal of discussion lately about the future of downtown, specifically the riverfront area. Included in this is a recognition of the need to relocate the jail facility away from the downtown riverfront. This naturally turns to a question of cost.

No one — and I mean no one — wants to spend money on a new jail. However, I would like to point out a positive in this otherwise expensive and unpleasant situation.

Approximately two years ago, a diverse group came together to create a local Mental Health Offender Program here in Jacksonville. Known as MHOP, this is the area’s first concerted effort to get individuals with significant mental illness who are chronically arrested out of the jails and into treatment.

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The problem is simple. There are a small number of individuals with significant mental illness who continue to get re-arrested over and over for nuisance crimes, clogging our jails and the court systems. These are individuals who have fallen between the cracks and are not violent. I repeat, they are not violent. They are usually arrested for minor offenses, such as trespassing or loitering, and are taken to jail. There they are held for relatively short periods of time before the charges against them are dropped.

These individuals are released back into the street (without any services) to start this cycle over again. One individual for example was arrested 97 times over the course of three years, an arrest of approximately every 12 days. The cost of housing, court appearances, holds under the Baker Act and law enforcement resources is staggering. And most importantly, there was no end in sight.

The good news is that there is a known solution to the problem with measurable positive outcomes. Those outcomes include savings to the community, improvements in mental health services and improved safety to the police and correctional officers in dealing with these individuals. This all comes at no increased risk to the safety of the community.

In Miami, there is a revolution underway that redefined the handling of those individuals with significant mental illness who interact with the criminal justice system. This includes increased training to detect those with mental illness and a system of service delivery that is focused on treatment instead of incarceration. The results in Miami have been eye-opening. They have been able to close one of their jails and their arrest statistics indicate that they incarcerate two-thirds fewer individuals with three times the population than does Jacksonville.

A client of the Sulzbacher Center talks with Shana Williams, a specialist with the Mental Health Offender Program.

A client of the Sulzbacher Center talks with Shana Williams, a specialist with the Mental Health Offender Program.

Thanks in large measure to Councilman Ron Salem, Rep. Wyman Duggan and then-Mon. Aaron Bean, local and state monies were identified to fix this problem. A group came together — including then-Sheriff Mike Williams, State Attorney Melissa Nelson, Public Defender Charlie Cofer, Cindy Funkhouser and Dr. Colleen Bell of the Sulzbacher center, Judge Kelly Eckley-Moulder and Magistrate Brooke Brady — to begin the process of replicating this model on a small scale in Jacksonville. Individuals meeting eligibility criteria were identified and offered mental health services and temporary housing, instead of being warehoused in the jail with little to no treatment.

The results show that these individuals are provided ongoing care and receive Social Security benefits to which they are entitled. There has been some success in placing graduates of this program in assisted living facilities or other permanent supportive housing where they have become stable, law-abiding members of our society. Prior to 2020, there were 33 individuals identified as potential participants in the MHOP program. These defendants accounted for a direct cost of $477,320, including costs associated with arrest, inmate housing and Baker Act proceedings.

Since being admitted to MHOP, these costs have decreased to $38,550, which represents a direct dollar savings to the taxpayers of $438,770. This is not to mention the fact that these people are now stabilized, receiving mental health services and leading a more normal existence.

With continued support of this program by the sheriff, local elected officials and state leaders, Jacksonville could also realize the benefits seen in Miami. This would include a significantly smaller jail footprint, fewer individuals arrested, increased safety for law enforcement and a huge step forward for downtown to become a vibrant part of our city. Not to mention the benefits of humane treatment for some of our most helpless and troubled individuals, whose only real crime is that they suffer from untreated acute mental illness with no other way to access help.

In short, this is a safe, logical, cost-effective and humane solution to a problem that demands our immediate attention and support.

Chief Judge Mark Mahon

Chief Judge Mark Mahon

Mark H. Mahon of Jacksonville is the chief judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit in Florida, serving Duval, Clay and Nassau counties. He was elected to serve beginning in January 2015.

This guest column is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of the Times-Union. We welcome a diversity of opinions.

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Jacksonville judge touts Mental Health Offender Program to help downtown