The best high-protein low-calorie foods for healthy weight loss

 Fried egg on plate, representing the best high-protein low-calorie foods to eat

Fried egg on plate, representing the best high-protein low-calorie foods to eat

Adding some of the best high-protein low-calorie foods to your basket can make all the difference when you’re trying to lose weight healthily. From staying full past lunchtime to maintaining muscle in a calorie deficit, there are so many benefits. 

Losing weight is mainly about eating fewer calories than you burn every day. It’s otherwise known as an energy or calorie deficit, and although it gets a little bit more complicated than this down the line, it’s often the best place for most people to start. Foods that

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The community plan builds on the success of the food kitchen

Building on a successful nonprofit food kitchen, the Highland neighborhood in Gastonia, North Carolina, is planning to grow in a healthy and walkable way as gentrification pressure mounts. Located northwest of downtown, Highland is home to 5,000 mostly African-American residents. A team of new urbanist practitioners recently came to the city of 77,000, 20 miles west of Charlotte, to design a building with affordable housing and ground-floor commercial space for the RAMS Kitchen (Really Amazing Meals with Soul).

The development will serve as the impetus for a broader urban development strategy that targets the social, economic, health and educational conditions

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Phoebe pilot program Fresh Rx offers diabetic patients healthy food

Apr. 10—ALBANY — Phoebe Putney Health System is expanding its partnership with Flint River Fresh by launching a pilot program called Fresh Rx with a study group of diabetic patients. Through this prescription to produce program, uninsured patients of primary care physician Dr. Derek Heard will receive free, fresh produce every other week for six months.

“If people with diabetes don’t have access to fresh food and don’t prepare food in a healthy way, they can’t manage their illness effectively, and they will be much more likely to suffer serious complications from the disease,” Heard said in a news release.

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Constipated? Eat 12 Foods That Help You Poop

Qhere’s nothing worse than a traffic jam—both IRL and in your, ahem, bowels. Constipation, folks: It’s no fun and it can be hard to find relief. But don’t worry, there is some good news here: there are lots of foods and natural remedies that provide constipation relief. Certainly, there are medications and doctors who have a lot of insight on the topic, but there are also a lot of natural laxatives to incorporate into your diet as well. “Constipation” is a sort of catch-all term for a few different causal factors. You could experience a blockage because of a
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Time to become Virtually perfect

Some might believe that the COVID ’19 pandemic was the harbinger of a heightened digital health wave, while others might believe that the pandemic simply hastened the process of its evolution and adoption. I, for one, stand by the latter. The Digital Health market size was around US$ 195.1 billion in 2021, and is estimated to substantially grow to around US$ 780.05 billion by 2030¹. The spending on digital healthcare solutions is estimated to reach US$ 244 billion by 2025². Digital Health companies have been slowly simmering, brewing, adapting and growing, and have seized the market when the

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Food programs break the link between food insecurity and obesity in children

food pantry

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Food FARMacias could be one part of the solution to the nation’s growing food insecurity problem, according to a new study by pediatricians at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York-Presbyterian.

Food insecurity—or lack of enough healthy food for an active, healthy life—is not just an issue of hunger. Food insecurity prevents children from reaching their full potential physically, cognitively, and socially. Children who grow up in food-insecure homes are sick more often, recover from illness more slowly, and are hospitalized more frequently. Food insecurity can contribute to obesity because people who

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7 Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Boost Your Immune System


With over 340 thousand cases of Coronavirus and almost 15 thousand deaths (as of this writing), boosting our immune system has never felt more urgent. But before we dive in on how to build a strong immunity, we should first know how our soldiers aka White Blood Cells work to fight off those tiny invaders.

Our Immune System, which is made up of specialized organs, cells, and tissues, is responsible for protecting our bodies from disease-causing microorganisms. When the invaders are detected, a message is sent out throughout the whole body to give a warning that it is being

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A new rating system aims to help shoppers parse which foods are more and less healthy

Many people aim to start the year off with healthier food choices. But how do you choose between seemingly similar foods, snacks or beverages? How does a bagel with cream cheese compare to toast topped with avocado, for example? Or a protein-based shake compared to a smoothie packed with fruits? Or two chicken dishes, prepared in different ways?

As nutrition scientists who have spent our entire careers studying how different foods influence health, our team at Tufts University has created a new food rating system, the Food Compass, that could help consumers and others make informed choices about these kinds

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