Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs – Eat Yourself Skinny

The most delicious Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs packed with flavor and easily made in under 30 minutes!  Serve with brown rice, homemade tzatziki sauce, sprinkle on some feta cheese, or pair with a tomato and chickpea salad for a complete meal!

The most delicious Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs packed with flavor and easily made in under 30 minutes!  Serve with brown rice, homemade tzatziki sauce, sprinkle on some feta cheese, or pair with a tomato and chickpea salad for a complete meal!

These Mediterranean chicken meatballs can only be described using one word: FLAVOR!  Insanely delicious made with simple ingredients in under 30 minutes.  These meatballs (which could also be called Greek chicken meatballs) are super easy to throw together too.  Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl, form into meatballs and bake them in the oven!  They make a filling

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Healthy Aging: 3 Lifestyle Habits for Optimal Well-Being

Here’s how to live a happy — and vibrant — life.

With age comes the priceless rewards of hard-earned wisdom, increased emotional resilience, and a better understanding of life’s kaleidoscopic nuances. As Katie likes to say, “Aging is a gift,” and we agree: Getting older is celebration-worthy.

Taking proactive measures to stay healthy as you age — and remain a step or two ahead of unwanted surprises — can help ensure that you don’t miss out on important life events and milestones.

Just think about how many more years we’re living than our ancestors: In 1969, the average life expectancy

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27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based

If you want to boost your health and wellbeing, there are plenty of natural and home remedies to choose from, ranging from avoiding charred meats and added sugars to practicing meditation.

When it comes to knowing what’s healthy, even qualified experts often seem to hold opposing opinions. This can make it difficult to figure out what you should actually be doing to optimize your health.

Yet, despite all the disagreements, a number of wellness tips are well supported by research.

Here are 27 health and nutrition tips that are based on scientific evidence.

Sugary drinks like sodas, fruit juices, and

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Spices for wellness: How an Indian diet supports healthy aging

As we age, what we eat can impact our health, so it’s important to put some thought into what we eat and drink. By embracing your cultural dishes which are prepared locally and organically sourced foods, you can stay healthy as you age. Some key ingredients for healthy aging are:

Protein is essential at every age, whether you want to build muscle, retain strength or recover from surgery. One can find protein in meats, beans, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, and cottage cheese and can serve these in the form of various curry preparations.

Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, beans,

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Ultimate Father’s Day gift: Son donates kidney to save his dad’s life

Some dads might get gift cards, steak dinners or new golf clubs for Father’s Day.

Yet Jose Calixto, 56, received something far more significant for the occasion this year.

A few weeks ago, Jonathan Calixto, 30, saved his father’s life by donating a healthy kidney.

“I never hesitated,” the son told Fox News Digital.


Ahead of Father’s Day weekend, father and son reveal how the operation changed their lives.

Easy decisions

Jose Calixto, a porter at a New York City building, learned he had kidney disease

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Healthy Life: Montreal innovator wins award for unique product developed for women | HealthyLife

After having suffered from bad period cramps, Nanette Sene is on a mission to ensure no woman has to miss out on daily activities just because of her cycle.

Her work to develop a cutting-edge, wearable device that combines heat with microelectronics to quickly relieve muscle cramps and menstrual pain, has earned the Montrealer a prestigious award and $5,000 from Mitacs, a national innovation organization that fosters growth by solving business challenges with research solutions from academic institutions.

“Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is a widespread problem affecting 80% of women globally, leading to lost productivity and absenteeism, and yet very few

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Learn how to achieve those New Year’s fitness resolutions at the Healthy Living Expo this Saturday

Focusing on the concepts of sustainability, innovation and a healthy lifestyle, more than 100 exhibitors from across the country are scheduled to occupy over 20,000 sq. ft. of space, showcasing their products and services to customers and industry professionals. Vendors range from food, photography, vegetable greenhouses, kids clothing, animal charities, and more to appeal to kids, adults and even pets.

In two separate rooms, the Expo will consist of health professionals and gurus to answer fitness questions, interactive stage demonstrations, an indoor public market, door prizes requiring guests to engage with exhibitors and the Central Alberta Leadership in Health Awards.

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CDC Statement on President’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget | CDC Online Newsroom

Today, the Biden Administration released the President’s FY 2024 budget. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) budget request for FY 2024 includes $11.581 billion in discretionary budget authority, Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF), and PHS Evaluation Funds. This request is $2.397 billion above the FY 2023 Enacted level and will enable the Agency to continue building our country’s public health infrastructure so we are prepared to respond to any public health threat.

“CDC is committed to protecting the health of the American people today and safeguarding against public health threats of the future. CDC’s FY 2024 President’s

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