What is a Power of Attorney?

Health Insurance

Many of our clients have heard of the powers of attorney, but do not know what they actually entail.

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It is important to know that there are different types of powers of attorney, however, they are all legal documents that allow you to pick an agent or attorney-in-fact on your behalf.

Powers of attorney allow another person to make financial, legal, and medical decisions for you, depending on the type.

There are different types of powers of attorney. Some include:

  1. Durable Power of Attorney – A durable power of attorney is one that is effective, even upon incapacitation. It allows the appointed person the power to make decisions on your behalf, whether financial or legal.
  2. Limited Power of Attorney – A limited power of attorney restricts the powers to certain designated powers, such as selling property.
  3. Medical Power of Attorney – This allows you to name a person to make medical decisions for you. This is helpful if you are incapacitated and need medical care.

There are other ways to structure powers of attorney too.

Many people choose their spouse or a close relative to act as their power of attorney.

If you no longer want that person to act on your behalf, you can revoke your power of attorney and pick a new person to list in new documents.

The reason we recommend having the powers of attorney in place is so that you are in control of who makes decisions on your behalf, should you be unable to make those decisions.

If you need help with your power of attorney, we can help.

Contact us today to help you get the right documents in place or to update your current estate plan. We will plan so that you don’t have to worry about your future.

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