We often take ourselves for granted. Not to mention our time here…
We push too hard, thinking that we can do everything, but then something happens and we are faced with a life altering defect.
Self-love has long been considered as selfishness.
But as the years have passed, we have learned that taking time for ourselves, truly putting ourselves first, is something of a blessing.
This 102-year-old Jamaican grandmother has put things into perspective for us.
Her granddaughter decided to dedicate her TikTok account to her grandmother’s pearls of wisdom.
And in one of her most popular TikTok videos, her grandmother shares the secret to living a long and healthy life.
We bet we caught your attention now…
She won us over as soon as she answered with ‘love’.
But we have to agree that far too often we are guilty of not practicing self-care and if we’re not careful, it will come back to bite us.
WATCH her below, courtesy of TikTok.
Check out one of her other popular videos on TikTok, where she shares a story time on coming to the US.
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